Hitler aimed to make Germany self-sufficient (Autarky). A 4-Year Plan (1936) was introduced, first by SCHACHT, then GOERING, but it failed.
The Nazis revived the economy through govt spending (e.g.12bn Reichsmarks in rearmament via MEFO bills).
Promises like rebuilding Berlin & providing Volkswagens or swimming baths were unfulfilled.
By 1939, inflation rose, creating a financial crisis. Historian Tim Mason argued Hitler went to war to mask economic problems.
1. Employment
Law to REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT (1933) created jobs through the RAD (autobahn construction, housing, environmental work).
Govt spending rose (193238: 5bn30bn marks).
Unemployment dropped from 6m to near zero.
REARMAMENT (e.g. conscription, army supplies) boosted steel, coal, and factory work.
Nazi state jobs (e.g. clerks, prison guards) expanded.
Jews sacked from jobs → created employment for others.
2. Farming
1933 FARM LAW gave farmers subsidies & guaranteed sales.
Govt kept food prices at 1928 levels.
Reich Food Estate controlled farmers (e.g. rules like hens laying 65 eggs/year).
3. Industry
NEW PLAN (1934) stopped imports & subsidised industries, boosting oil, steel, coal & explosives.
By 1941, 2,400 miles of AUTOBAHNS built (+1,550 under construction).
4-Year Plan (Goering, 1936) focused on rearmament.
Employers liked worker discipline.
Strict controls on businesses (e.g. production directives, wage restrictions).
By 1939, focus shifted to guns not butter (military over consumer goods).
4. Conditions
BEAUTY OF WORK (SdA) → pride in work.
Health campaigns (e.g. anti-smoking, breast cancer screening).
Trade unions BANNED; workers had to join the German Labour Front.
No strikes allowed; strikers could be shot.
Wages fell; RAD scheme pay & conditions were poor.
5. Strength through Joy (KdF) Movement
KdF provided leisure (e.g. cut-price holidays, cruises, concerts, theatre). From 193338 in Berlin: 134k events for 32m attendees.
2m people went on cruises/ weekend trips; 11m on theatre trips/ PRORA Holiday centre
Designed the VOLKSWAGEN (Beetle) for 5 marks/week.
Govt ensured access to cheap radios.