
Der Zweite Weltkrieg


Called by the Nazis Der Verteidigungskrieg ( War), Der Befreiungskrieg (War of ) and Der Krieg gegen den Bolschewismus (War Against ).

Early Triumphs (1939–1941)

Invasion of (Sep 1939): Hitler surprised by Britain declaring war despite Ribbentrop's assurance of no intervention. Blitzkrieg success boosted Nazi confidence.

Fall of (Jun 1940): Major triumph, humiliating for France. Hitler paraded in Paris & overturned Treaty of Versailles.

Battle of (Jul–Oct 1940): Failed to invade; Blitz failed to force British surrender. Britain was weak, but Nazis still appeared dominant.

Invasion of Denmark & (Apr 1940): Secured iron ore & access to N Atlantic.

Pact (Sep 1940): Formalized Axis alliance w/ Italy & Japan, creating a global super-bloc.

Invasion of Balkans & (Apr 1941): Supported failing Italian invasion; successful but opened a two-front war.

Capture of (Jun 1942): Supported failing Italian N African campaign; extended war further.


Turning Points (1941–1943)

Invasion of Russia: Largest military op in history, implementing Lebensraum policy, but turned disastrous.

    •   Operation (Jun 1941): Rapid advances stopped by Soviet resistance.

    •   Siege of (Sep 1941–Jan 1944): Failed starvation tactic; survival symbolized Soviet resilience.

    •   Battle of (Oct 1941–Jan 1942): 1st major Nazi failure in USSR.

    •   Battle of (Aug 1942–Feb 1943): Catastrophic loss; entire 6th Army destroyed. Axis casualties: 1m.

(Dec 1941): Hitler, uninformed, declared war on the US, hoping Pacific war would distract America. US entry turned war into global conflict Nazis couldn't win.

Conference (Jan 1942): Implemented ‘Final Solution,’ diverting military resources to the Holocaust. Nazis viewed Jews as a ‘fifth column’ & war justification.

Fall of (May 1943): After El Alamein (Nov 1942), Axis lost 250k soldiers & North Africa, giving Allies control of Mediterranean.


Collapse and Defeat (1943–1945)

Defeat at (Jul–Aug 1943): Largest tank battle in history; ended Nazi hope to regain Eastern Front initiative.

Allied Campaign (1943 onwards): Destroyed cities, killed 3.5m civilians, crushed morale & industrial capacity.

Armistice (Sep 1943): Mussolini fell; Allies gained control of Italy & invaded southern Europe.

Invasion (Jun 1944): Opened Western Front feared by Nazis.

(Sep 1944): Home Guard of older men & boys (as young as 11); refusal to fight meant execution.

Offensive (Dec 1944): Failed Nazi counteroffensive at Battle of the Bulge.

Hitler’s & Fall of Berlin (Apr–May 1945): Total regime collapse.

(8 May 1945): Flensburg govt surrendered unconditionally; Allies took all power & disarmed Germany.


Why did the Nazis fight to the bitter end?

1.  Feared trial & execution for war crimes.

2.  Ideological war (esp. SS): viewed WWII as light vs darkness.

3.  Allies demanded unconditional surrender.

4.  Believed Soviet forces would massacre/rape them.

5.  Hoped for war between USSR & USA/Britain to save Germany.